Fusing Symbolic and Decision-Theoretic Problem Solving+ Perception in a Graphical Cognitive Architecture.
Published in Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures BICA, 2011
Recommended citation: Chen, J., Demski, A., Han, T., Morency, L. P., Pynadath, D. V., Rafidi, N., & Rosenbloom, P. S. (2011, October). Fusing Symbolic and Decision-Theoretic Problem Solving+ Perception in a Graphical Cognitive Architecture. In BICA (pp. 64-72).
- Abstract
A step is taken towards fusing symbolic and decision-theoretic problem solving in a cognitive architecture by implementing the latter in an architecture within which the former has already been demonstrated. The graphical models upon which the architecture is based enable a uniform implementation of both varieties of problem solving. They also enable a uniform combination with forms of decision-relevant perception, highlighting a potential path towards a tight coupling between central cognition and peripheral perception.